Singing Guide: Cashmere Cat

Singing Guide: Cashmere Cat

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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How to sing like Cashmere Cat - Tips and Tricks

Cashmere Cat is a Norwegian DJ, record producer, and multi-instrumentalist with a unique sound that sets him apart from other artists in the electronic music industry. Besides working with famous artists like Ariana Grande and Kanye West, he has released many successful production-oriented projects, including his debut album, 9.

If you're a fan of Cashmere Cat's music and want to learn how to sing like him, you're in the right place! In this article, we'll explore some of Cashmere Cat's unique vocal techniques and how to incorporate them into your singing style.

Finding Your Tone

One of the most notable things about Cashmere Cat's vocal style is his use of falsetto, which gives his voice a soft, airy quality. To incorporate this technique into your singing, try experimenting with higher pitches and develop a smooth transition between your chest voice and falsetto. Try to focus on controlling your breath while singing and sustaining long, even notes.

Understanding Vocal Registers

Cashmere Cat also mixes his vocal registers to create contrast and dynamic interest in his singing. Play around with the different vocal registers, including chest voice, head voice, and mix voice. Aim for a smooth and seamless transition and listen for the variation you get when each of the vocal registers is blended.

Practical Advice for Singing like Cashmere Cat

To help you learn how to sing like Cashmere Cat, here are some practical singing tips:

  1. Focus on control. Cashmere Cat's voice is incredibly controlled, with each note distinct and clearly articulated. When practicing, focus on controlling your breath, and perfect vocal technique.
  2. Experiment with different styles. Cashmere Cat has a versatile sound that includes elements of pop, synth-pop, and more. So, try to experiment with different genres and develop your own unique style.
  3. Listen to Cashmere Cat's music. Pay attention to his use of falsetto, breathy vocals, and his ability to mix his vocal registers. You can learn a lot from simply listening and observing his vocal techniques.

Cashmere Cat songs to showcase his vocal technique

Cashmere Cat's vocal technique is unique, and you can explore it with these songs:

  • "Love Incredible"
  • "Miss You"
  • "9 (After Coachella)"
  • "Quit"

Relevant Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots provides many useful resources to help you perfect your singing style:

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.